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House Study Groups

If you have a question please contact Deacon Stephen


A Lent Course about Love.

Book by Sheila Cassidy

'Christianity is not a blueprint for repression, but for joy; for a life of fulfilment beyond out wildest dreams.

Jesus said 'I have come that you may have life and have it to the full'.

The book has a series of short chapters which ideally should be read before each weekly session. At the end of each chapter there are a series of questions for meditation and reflection. The aim will be to look at some of these questions and others that occur to us, using online Zoom.


Books from various online sellers, Eden bookshop for one. Full price is £5.99, but might find it cheaper somewhere. (Amazon are showing 'out of stock', but Eden bookshop did have some last time I looked.)

Course commences Wednesday 24 February at 7:30pm via Zoom


A series of weekly, bible-based study group studies to help us explore more of God's answers to the important question of Climate Change and how we as tenants of the planet can help in His work.

WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE - so let us not leave it all to future generations; that could be too late!

The course has a set of videos for each week, and discussion, both of which will be online. ( Course book available as a pdf from for a donation of £3.00)

Further information on our Churches Together page on this website, including Zoom logon details.

Also see Operation Noah online at for booklets and additional information


Course commences Monday 22 February at 7:30pm via Zoom

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